SKRAPS Platform The Place Of Profitable Investment

      The more advanced a nation the stronger the competition and the more people think and imagine. Many things you do when the opportunity comes. I've had times when ideas flooded me, and I've had long dry periods. If I get an idea next week, I will do something. If not, I will not do anything. ok, here I will explain the Platform of SKRAPS whose content is related to profitable investment. Because Investment is very promising and has a good long term.

        With high knowledge and work ethic, make all investors successful and successful. Investing in the world of Crypto is very lucrative and profitable. the best way of investing in Crypto world with Micro investments. Microfinance can be referred to as SKRAPS in which each user can invest using their own portfolio of choices based on their risk appetite. They can complete their transactions with the desired decimal value and invest a backup change in the portfolio of cryptocurrencies managed by professionals and trusted. For now Crypto increasingly in the interest of many entrepreneurs in because have a good future so Crypto increasingly popular for now. So this is your chance to join Investment in Crypto world.

Understanding SKRAPS
           The SKRAPS platform is a place where the user can make a backup investment. The SKRAPS platform also has advantages in between. helping all people who are new to investing by providing clearer direction on the desired project. Users and holders of cryptocurrencies make daily transactions by leaving some spare parts in the end. As the crypto world grows and transactions increase, the amount of reserve money increases. Therefore, with the help of SKRAPS, investing this reserve money will accumulate into large sums of money. SKRAPS keeps a record of investment transactions and uses an easy-to-use model for users to operate. In addition to investing your crypto cards, the SKRAPS platform provides an opportunity to invest the backup money after each transaction

Simple and Easy to Invest: SKRAPS has made it easier and easier for users and investors to navigate the platform and start investing using three  simple steps.
Connect to your cryptographic or debit card platform from where the transaction will be performed on the SKRAPS platform. Make your normal purchase: Here, the user can decide how much money they will buy. For example, buy a phone for 2.320BTC, the user can decide to change it to 2400BTC. With this, the user gets 0.08BTC as backup money. Invest the changes: The 0.08BTC difference that serves as a backup currency is then invested automatically into the user's preferred portfolio. It applies to invest money as well. Less Workers: For those who have thought that it takes thousands or millions of dollars before they can invest, it becomes simple for them because it remains less burdensome when someone consciously or unconsciously invests a spare money. Portfolio Selects Capabilities: Each portfolio comes with risk and interest rates. Based on the level of user risk taking, one can choose a portfolio with a high interest rate but has a high market risk. Examples of such a portfolio could be an Aggressive Portfolio. Others may decide to choose a portfolio with low interest rates but with low market risk. Examples of such a portfolio could be the Conservative Portfolio. Empowering Users to Create Their Own Portfolios: Starting with the SKRAP platform, there is already a portfolio created by management, but over time, users will be allowed to create their own portfolio based on their expertise, and share with others to invest and benefit from me. Security: SKRAPS provides a good programmer that ensures that user data is protected and secured with 256-bit encryption. Confidentiality is the priority of SKRAPS. Prizes on the Leaderboard: User portfolio will be ranked and given weekly. Top 10 of the portfolio will be rewarded with the SKRAPS token and this is to motivate and incentivize others who are crypto to invest and help people to grow.

Smart Smart contracts are easy to find

        Skraps platform will use the ENS service to give the user a smart contract name so it's easy to do
can be found. ENS offers a safe and decentralized way to address resources both inside and outside
blockchain uses a simple and human readable name. This will allow the user to find another The portfolio is easily and probably invested in that. For example, instead of users sending coins to smart
Contract 0xFFFAAAxdb, they can send a portfolio of John's Emerging Crypto. It will also help they share details about a particular portfolio with other users. Crypto exchange and conversion Wallet Skraps will connect to three different exchanges (Kraken, Poloniex, via API frontend to buy ethereum (if user has fiat) in the most optimal exchange. Ether can then used to buy target cryptocurrency using API. Skraps the wallet will integrated with Shapeshift to enable real time conversions from one crypto sign to another.

Skraps token will be used for the following purpose:
  • The service fee of Skraps platform will be charged in SKRAPS token. As detailed above, each account will be charged 5% in SKRP tokens per month, irrespective of the amount invested by them.
  • SKRAPS token will be used to pay the portfolio managers who will be managing the cryptocurrencies portfolios in the platform. This would also help align the incentives of the portfolio managers with the success of the platform. If the portfolios perform well, more and more users will be attracted to Skraps platform. This will lead to increase in the the value of the token and the earnings of the portfolio managers would also be higher. Anyone is able to create their own portfolio, broadcast it to the community, and earn 20% in commission from anyone who decides to copy their portfolio


        The SKRAPS platform is very good and also has a definite purpose, which is to provide the best service for all investors. and also has some features that are superior and up to date. All in order to provide the best service for all customers and ensure its safety. therefore we hope that you and the investors immediately follow and join the SKRAPS Platform. All of me, thanks

More Information Visit Link Below:

Username: Jet Kolet
My Ethereum Address: 0x2fa4C96A55F50505403A52f503478691d4d0fFe2


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